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I’ve had a hard time getting the Chronicle layout done this issue as a have had a bad cold/flu, the second this winter. Fortunately I am feeling a lot better while writing this, even if I am a little later that normal. Thanks to my dad who has kindly proof read the Chronicle this issue to help me out.

I went to see the Killer Boobs play just before this issue went to print. What an outstanding performance. Who knew a play about cancer could be so funny! The audience were screaming with laughter and singing to the music between scenes. Well done to the Coromandel Players.


View the September issue here. 

Deadline for the October issue is 4pm on Tuesday 17 September

The purpose of the Coromandel Town Chronicle is to showcase the region and its people. The Coromandel Town Chronicle is open for everyone to contribute however the editor reserves the right to select the articles, advertisements and letters that are published in line with the Coromandel Town Chronicle's publication policy. All supplied articles will be proof read and edited for clarity and space.


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The Coromandel Town Chronicle is published by Jude Publishing Ltd. Up to 3100 copies are printed monthly and are distributed free to letterboxes in Coromandel town and by rural delivery from the Thames Coast to the top of the Coromandel Peninsula. It is also available free at peninsula information centres and Coromandel Town shops.

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